VJ230 Submission 24, starring Cody and newbie Zeke. NEW. We thought Zeke was mad when he asked to take on Cody for his first match. Cody thought so too, but it turns out Zeke knows what he is doing. It’s a very close and competitive match and the final score is as close as it can be. Neither one of these well matched opponents wanted to give in. In the end Cody finds out what it is like to be on the receiving end of the badboy treatment. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ223 The Real Thing, starring Cody and Errol. NEW. The guys are practicing, but Cody gets bored very quickly and wants the real thing. At first, it is fairly friendly, but Cody’s competitive streak kicks in, and things get rough. This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ219 Surprise! starring Cody, Tyrone and Felix. NEW. Tyrone and Felix have captured themselves the best victim ever! They lift Cody out of the boot and then take him into the fightroom where they have lots of fun. When they decide to untie Cody’s hands, trouble ensues. The action goes back and forth, but in the end Cody will not be beaten! This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VJ214 Job Well Done, starring Cody, Peter and jessie. NEW. Jessie and Peter want to have a little fun at Cody’s expense. They persuade Cody to come to the meet by telling him a rookie wants a go at his title, but when Cody arrives the bad boys attack. Jessie and Peter have lots of fun, but then Cody spoils it by fighting back! This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VJ206 Fresh Meat! starring Cody and Simon. NEW. This was Simon’s first session with Cody. When Cody said “rules or no rules? Simon made the mistake of choosing “no rules”. Splat! Things then got worse for Simon as Cody worked his magic, but somehow Simon managed to get on top and Cody learned what it’s like to be on the receiving end. This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VJ201 KO16 starring Cody and Felix. NEW. Felix has a new workout routine, and he’s very happy with the results. Cody appears to be impressed as he admires Felix’ muscles, but he’s really just looking for an opportunity to have some fun! Cody gets the first few Kos, but Felix won’t go down easily! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ192 Submission 22, starring Cody and newbie Ben. NEW. On the way to the gym Ben cut Cody up and almost caused a crash. For Cody, the only way to get revenge is on the mat. Newbie Ben is initiated without mercy as Cody puts him in one painful submission hold after another with Jessie doing his best to referee. This Untamed Creations video is 38 minutes long.


VJ183 Dominion, starring Cody and Felix. NEW. Felix is using Cody’s gym equipment to workout. When Cody complains, Felix is quick to challenge him to a wrestling match. Cody never backs down so it’s on! Quick and dirty, it’s difficult to predict which of these fiercely competitive opponents will win. This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VJ179 Move Zig! starring Cody and Logan. NEW. Cody is working out with Jessie when Logan arrives. He's looking for a match with the arrogant champion! Jessie senses this is a serious challenge, and he opts to let the Cody and Logan fight it out alone. Cody's experience and tenacity are more than a match for Logan's muscles, although Logan does get a couple of submissions. In the end, Logan has to admit that Cody is the Boss! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.
