All our videos are available for immediate download in MP4 format. Our larger video files are around 3GB in size. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, the files will take anywhere between 10 minutes and an hour to download.


Untamed Creations has copyright on all its content. No picture, video, video clip or still may be published anywhere on the internet or any other medium without our written consent. Untamed Creations owns the copyright on all material and any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, renting, lending, re-selling, exporting or public performance is prohibited. Violation will result in legal action.


Untamed Creations uses Google Analytics to collect visitor data and analyse traffic on our site. This information helps us understand customer interests and helps us improve our website. When you visit our site, the pages that you look at, and a short text file called a cookie, are downloaded to your computer. A cookie is used to store small amounts of information. This information is collected for traffic analysis only. The cookie does not contain personal details. Depending on the browser that you use, you can set your preferences to block or refuse cookies, and/or notify you before they are placed. We do not sell, give, or trade the statistics to any 3rd parties for data-mining or marketing purposes. Please visit www.google.com for their privacy policy.

2257 compliance

In compliance with the Federal Labelling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 18 U.S.C. 2257), all actors appearing in our videos were aged 18 (eighteen) or older at the time the material was created. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations.


Please contact us by email at untamedcreations@gmail.com if you encounter any problems downloading or viewing your video.