VJ175 Spirit Level, starring Simon, Todd, Danny and Jessie. NEW. Having lost a few times to Simon, Jessie turns up to their match with two helpers; Danny and Todd. Simon is not spooked. No lily-livered jellyfish he! Jessie and his pals do a lot of damage, but in the end Simon comes through with five stars. What spirit! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ170 KO11 starring Danny and Todd. NEW. After a little arm-wrestling Todd and Danny decide to have a match. Arrogant Todd plays around with Danny, knocking him out repeatedly with well applied sleepers and handgags. It takes Danny some time to realise he’s only going to get the better of Todd if he uses some questionable tactics, but then it’s his turn to have fun! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ159 More Fun, starring Danny and newbie Grant. NEW. Grant is clearly bored with the game of cards Danny wants to play. He persuades Danny that it would be more fun to wrestle! Grant soon shows us that he has some nice moves under his belt, but can he match up to Danny's experience? This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ149 KO9 starring Simon and newbie Danny. NEW. Having agreed to a session Danny and Simon play Rock Paper Scissors to decide on starting positions. Danny doesn’t take it seriously and Simon loses is temper. The match continues with the guys using different techniques to knock each other out. Newbie Danny shows he’s got promise, but will he win his first match? This video is 34 minutes long.
