VJ348 Real Man! starring Jamie and Rocco. NEW. Jamie has been surprisingly successful since joining the team, and Rocco wants to know if he can win against a real man, meaning Rocco! Rocco is pretty arrogant, but Jamie uses some well placed low blows to keep up with him. This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ347 Push! starring Keanu and Ashton. NEW. Ashton wants to even up the score and Keanu accepts his challenge. The action goes back and forth, but, ultimately, Ashton wants Keanu to admit that he is the best. Keanu puts up with a lot, but in the end he succumbs. This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VB055 Demolition 60 starring Dallas and Gene. NEW. As a storm rages outside, Gene slowly destroys poor Dallas in an attempt to find out what Dallas has done with his money. Dallas has a few suggestions but none of them amuse Gene! This Untamed Creations video is 30 minutes long.


VJ344 Demolition 58 starring Keanu and Aidan. NEW. In their last submission wrestling match Aidan kicked Keanu’s ass. The score was 30-0. Keanu thinks he will be able to best Aidan in a NHB battle, but Aidan does not give him a chance! This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VJ341 Teaming Up 2 starring Keanu, Rocco and Danny. NEW. Danny recruits Rocco to help him take on Keanu. It seems that Keanu has been dating Danny’s sister and that is not acceptable. Keanu takes quite a beating, with his abs sorely tested, but towards the end it looks like he might be able to turn things round. Will he succeed? This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ337 Stalemate, starring Keanu and Ashton. NEW. In their last match, Ashton got his ass kicked by Keanu, and now he wants to prove that he is better than that! Keanu happily accepts his friend’s challenge. The action goes back and forth between these two powerful opponents, but who will prevail? This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ335 Ab Attack 37 starring Rocco and Jessie. NEW. Jessie is late for his match with Rocco but as he hurries away, he walks into an angry Rocco. It’s time for Jessie to learn it’s rude to keep opponents waiting! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ334 Teaming Up, starring Aidan, Charlie and newbie Jamie. NEW. Jamie asks Charlie to help him to teach Aidan not to be so arrogant. It all goes well for the guys but at some point, Aidan manages to take control and it’s time for the team to take a beating. Arrogant Aidan takes his eye off the ball though, and Jamie takes advantage. This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VJ332 I’m The One! starring Keanu and Gram. NEW. There can only be one prettyboy in town, and Keanu and Gram both think they are it! Keanu decides that the only way to settle the argument is with a NHB match. Gram puts up a very good showing, but Keanu is built like a mountain. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.
