VJ318 Take a Breath, starring Keanu and Ashton. NEW. The two friends are trying to calculate who has won the most matches. They decide to make this one the decider. Keanu is as arrogant as ever, but he finds scrappy Ashton quite a handful. The pace is quick, and the action goes back and forth with the winner only emerging right at the end. This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


V221 This is Nice! starring Armand and Ryan. Armand thinks he’s going to have an easy time squashing Ryan. Ryan has other ideas. He has worked out that a little dirty work goes a long way. But will Ryan be able to keep up his heel act for long? One thing’s for sure; Armand is going to be pretty merciless if he gets control of this match. This Untamed Creations video, originally released in 2016, has been re-mastered. It is 48 minutes long.


VJ313 Submission 32 starring Duke and Peter. NEW. Confident Duke is looking for a real challenge. Jessie calls Peter, who is a champion boxer, and he agrees to try out against Duke in a submission wrestling match with jessie as referee. Duke is delighted, and he wastes no time tearing into his much bigger opponent. This Untamed Creations video is 35 minutes long.


VJ309 Demolition 51 starring Ben, Charlie and Troy. NEW. Ben sets a trap and begins his warm up routing. First to step into the trap is Charlie. Ben squashes him like a grape! Next in is Troy, who is proud of his progress in the gym. Ben issues another beatdown! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ305 Submission 31 starring Aidan and Ashton. NEW. Ashton is brave to challenge Aidan after seeing him demolish Keanu. Aidan loves to win against bigger opponents, and he goes after Ashton mercilessly, getting submissions and pins over and over again! This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VJ302 Demolition 49 starring Aidan, Ben and Troy. NEW. Ben and Troy are trying to have a submission wrestling match when Aidan arrives looking for fun! He takes Ben first, abusing him like a toy. Then it’s Troy’s turn for a good workover. Aidan is clearly having the time of his life! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ273 Submission 28, starring Ben and newbie Charlie. NEW. Charlie works with Ben and recently got the blame for one of Ben’s mistakes. He nearly lost his job! Jessie persuades them to sort out their problems with a submission match. Ben thinks he will have an easy time against the newbie, but Ben turns out to have skills. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ262 Submission 26, starring Cody and Felix. NEW. These two good friends are both very competitive, so we knew this would be a close match.  Despite some punishing submission holds, each one of these well-matched opponents refused to submit until the pressure was at its highest. Just like at the end of his humiliating defeat by Zeke, Cody once again finds himself on the receiving end of the badboy treatment. This Untamed Creations video is 38 minutes long.



VJ234 Unfinished Business, starring Tyrone and Felix.  NEW.  Felix has unfinished business with Tyrone’s cousin, but Tyrone won’t tell Felix where he lives. Felix decides to beat the information out of Tyrone, but that turns out to be a difficult thing to do. This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.
