VJ294 Submission 30 starring Keanu and newbie Aidan. NEW. Keanu wants to challenge the newbie, but Jessie tries to persuade him to back down as he knows Aidan comes to us with years of wrestling and boxing experience. Keanu insists, and his fate is written in the stars! Despite Aidan giving him some chances, it’s a total beatdown! This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VJ280 Submission 29, starring Cody and Felix. NEW. Felix wants a re-match against the champ, but Cody is not feeling very well. He discusses things with Jessie, the referee, and decides bravely to accept Felix’s challenge. Felix takes full advantage of the situation and has lots of fun at Cody’s expense. This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VJ262 Submission 26, starring Cody and Felix. NEW. These two good friends are both very competitive, so we knew this would be a close match.  Despite some punishing submission holds, each one of these well-matched opponents refused to submit until the pressure was at its highest. Just like at the end of his humiliating defeat by Zeke, Cody once again finds himself on the receiving end of the badboy treatment. This Untamed Creations video is 38 minutes long.



VJ250 Submission 25, starring Cody and Rocco.  NEW.  Cody made the mistake of lending his car to Rocco, and Rocco smashed it up. When Rocco offers to pay half the repair bill, Cody hits the roof. There is only one way to decide who pays. They call in Jessie to referee and hit the mat! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ066 Submission 7, starring Cody and Sean. NEW. Another video for lovers of submission wrestling, especially those who love to see Cody demolishing his opponents. Sean does his best, and manages to get a pin and a submission at Cody's expense, but at the end of the day Cody has his way. This video is 31 minutes long.


V294 Wiggle Room, starring Armand and Evan. NEW. Armand is looking great in his wrestling kit, and Evan is keen to get to grips with the goodlooking jock. Armand never turns down a challenge, so it’s straight to the mat for these two talented wrestlers. Evan doesn’t do too well to begin with, but he manages a few good holds in the middle of the match, before Armand gets back on top. This video is 31 minutes long.


V122 I'm Sorry - Louis and Nico have a score to settle, and it looks like Nico is on form for this session. Poor Louis is forced to submit in a series of punishing submission holds, and in the end he has to swallow his pride and apologise. This popular video, first released in January 2014, is 51 minutes long.


V222 Submit! NEW RELEASE. Feisty little Evan wants a go at tough guy Ferdi. As you might expect with Ferdi involved, this submission wrestling match does not limit itself by the rule book. The points are pretty even and we don't know who will win until the very end. This video is 46 minutes long.


V094 I'm Gonna Win This Time! Louis gives his best friend Nico an easy time in this submission wrestling match, and Nico makes the most of it. Thispopular video, first released in May 2013, is 44 minutes long.
