VJ391 Rookies Rock 3 starring Lucas, Jax, Archie and Troy. NEW. The new kids are back in town and learning fast! First, we get to enjoy Lucas being squashed by Jax, then we watch Troy and Archie going at it. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ388 Ab Attack 40 starring Aidan, Troy, Jax, Lucas and Rocco. NEW. In the first half of this double bill Jax and Troy double team Aidan, totally squashing him. In the second half Rocco offers to be Lucas’ punchbag, and Lucas goes to town! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ387 Open Challenge starring Charlie and Troy. NEW. Confident Troy issues an open challenge to anyone who is willing to come to the fightroom. Charlie accepts eagerly and this fast paced, even match is the result. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ382 Rookies Rock 2 starring Archie, Rocco, Jax and Troy. In the first match Archie destroys arrogant Rocco. For the second match Archie teams up with Jax to dish out a beatdown ab attack style on Troy. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ373 Ab Attack 39 starring Troy and Gram. NEW. Someone offers to pay Gram to teach Troy a lesson. Gram surprises Troy, sleepers him, ties him up and delivers a terrific smackdown! This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VJ361 Rookies Rock, starring Lucas, Troy, Jax and Rocco. NEW. Troy and Rocco have been invited to welcome newbies Lucas and Jax. They think they will have easy matches. First an overconfident Troy gets his ass handed to him by Lucas, then Rocco suffers the same ate at Jax’s hands. This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long and features two separate matches.


VJ353 Something Different starring Charlie and Troy. NEW. Troy asks Jessie to set up something different, so Jessie gives Charlie a call. Charlie is only too happy to accept Troy’s challenge, but Troy surprise attacks him and what follows is an even match. Who will end up on top? This Untamed Creations Video is 33 minutes long.


VJ346 Give and Take starring Troy and Gram. NEW. Gram accepts Troy’s challenge and goes straight into action. Gram enjoys dishing it out, but can he take it when Troy turns the tables? Fast paced action from these well matched opponents. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ331 Stretched 3, starring Troy and Ben. NEW. These guys love working together, and here they test each other’s flexibility with backbreakers and other holds. Both are bendy boys, so they can take a lot of punishment! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.
