VJ296 You’ve Got This! Starring Duke and Ashton. NEW. A while back, Duke got double teamed by Ashton and Keanu. Now Duke has decided to get some payback. A fast paced match with two competitive opponents. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ295 Handgag 25 starring Todd and Peter. NEW. Todd is working, but when he goes to pee, Peter takes a look at what he is working on. When Todd catches him it’s time for a match! Peter gets a few moves in, but Todd pretty much shows Peter who is King of the Handgag! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ294 Submission 30 starring Keanu and newbie Aidan. NEW. Keanu wants to challenge the newbie, but Jessie tries to persuade him to back down as he knows Aidan comes to us with years of wrestling and boxing experience. Keanu insists, and his fate is written in the stars! Despite Aidan giving him some chances, it’s a total beatdown! This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VJ293 KO23 starring Dylan and Rocco. NEW. When Dylan wins the game of chess Rocco behaves very badly. When Dylan calls him a sore loser, Rocco loses his temper and goes for a KO. Repeatedly knocking each other out, the match gets heated, but who will apply the final hold? This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ292 Demolition 47, starring Dexter and Danny. NEW. Dexter launches a surprise attack on the unsuspecting Danny, but Danny easily defends himself and then he goes to town on Dexter, dishing out a tremendous squash job! This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VJ291 Ab Attack 34 starring Rocco and Jessie. NEW. Rocco is still whining about an argument Jessie has long forgotten. While Jessie wants to let it lie, Rocco wants redress! Jessie does not foresee the extent of Rocco’s revenge! This Untamed Creations video is 39 minutes long.


VJ290 Prospective Memory, starring Keanu and Ashton. NEW. These guys have gone up against each other many times with mixed results, but Keanu still thinks of himself as the King! After a fairly even first half, Ashton goes all out to show Keanu who the real King is! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


UBV286 Power! starring Jason and Mark. NEW. After comparing muscles, Jason decides that he has the superior physique. Mark decides to show Jason that muscles aren’t the end all when they hit the mat! This UBV286 Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ289 Demolition 46, starring Charlie and Gram. NEW. Gram thinks he will have an easy match against the newest member of our team. Initially it looks like Charlie does not know what to do, but he soon takes control and dishes out a terrific squash job to his bigger opponent. This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VJ288 Demolition 45, starring Duke and Sean. NEW. Sean has been training and he wants to take on Duke. Duke cannot believe that Sean thinks he has a hope in Hell and he quickly goes to work to prove his superiority on the mat. Duke pushes his point home by knocking Sean out several times during the match. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ287 Solo, starring Keanu and Gram. NEW. Gram unwisely chooses to take Keanu on without any support. He actually does quite well, getting a fair share of top time. Both guys enjoy applying some punishing submission holds, and also knock each other out using sleepers and handgags. Lots of fun! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ286 PayOff, starring Duke and Rocco. NEW. Duke has been training hard, and now he wants the payoff. Rocco is helping him, so Duke challenges him. Of course, Duke starts out using some very unfriendly tactics. Will Rocco be able to turn it round? This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ285 Demolition 44, starring Ashton and Jessie. NEW. Ashton wants to wrestle the best! Jessie accepts his challenge and goes to work, proving to Ashton that he has come to the right place! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ284 It’s On Man! starring Cody and Simon. NEW. The last time these two faced off, Simon was squashed. Unwisely, he decides to challenge Cody to a re-match, and Cody eagerly accepts. Simon does a little better than before, but we all know who is going to win this one! This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VB049 Learning the Lingo, starring Dallas and newbie Gene. NEW. Dallas has been asked to welcome the newest member of the team, but Dallas wants to be sure to add another win to his record. Poor Gene does not know what is coming his way! This Untamed Creations video is 30 minutes long.


VJ283 Settling a Score, starring Duke, Sean and Jessie. NEW. Duke has been his usual arrogant self, boasting about his success at Untamed, as well as his success with love. Sean is tired of his attitude but he knows he will need help to teach Duke a lesson. Jessie joins Sean, but when the job seems done, Jessie leaves, and Sean gets his! This Untamed Creations video is 46 minutes long.


UBV089 Squashed! starring Corey and Adam. Muscle Punk Adam had only recently joined the team, and as soon as Corey saw him, he wanted to wrestle him. Adam thought he'd make quick work of his lighter opponent, but it didn't turn out that way. Corey is at his arrogant best as he puts Adam in one submission hold after another, mercilessly squashing the poor guy. Originally released in September 2014, this Untamed Creations video has been re-mastered. It is 46 minutes long.


VJ282 Going for Gold, starring Keanu and Rocco. NEW. Rocco is in possession of a gold medal, and Keanu wants it! When Rocco tells Keanu that he can get it by going through Rocco, Keanu thinks this will be easy. Rocco, however, is the gold medal holder for a reason, and Keanu soon finds out why. This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VJ281 Who’s the Man Now! starring Zeke and Wyatt. NEW. A friendly arm wrestling competition turns serious when little Wyatt manages to beat Zeke. Zeke takes the defeat badly and insists on taking their beef to the mat. Will things go better for the big guy THERE? Let’s see. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


V250 I'm Not Done! starring Daniel and Louis. Daniel has been doing some serious working out, and he's buffer than he has ever been. Louis tells him muscles don't make him a good fighter! After an exciting arm wrestling competition Daniel challenges Louis to a match. He has never been able to beat Louis before, but maybe this time! Louis never passes on a chance to smack down a gym bunny! This Untamed Creations video, first released in 2016, has been re-mastered. It is 46 minutes long.


VJ280 Submission 29, starring Cody and Felix. NEW. Felix wants a re-match against the champ, but Cody is not feeling very well. He discusses things with Jessie, the referee, and decides bravely to accept Felix’s challenge. Felix takes full advantage of the situation and has lots of fun at Cody’s expense. This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


V208 You Will Regret This! starring Armand and Ryan. Armand is boasting about his success at Untamed. Ryan challenges him and soon realises that he's totally outclassed. Ryan knows there is only one way he will win this match. After changing, he knocks Armand out and ties him up, then he takes advantage of the situation. However, Armand escapes, and Ryan doesn't know what's hit him! This Untamed Creations video, first released in 2016, has been re-mastered. It is 51 minutes long.


VJ279 Who’s First? starring Ben, Gram and Troy. NEW. Last week Ben and Troy double teamed Gram, then Ben took out Troy so he would be the only guy at the party. Troy and Gram are talking about what they are going to do to get revenge, but Ben surprises them and it’s toast for Troy and Gram! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ278 Collarless 9 starring Gram, Ben and Troy. NEW. Gram is getting ready for a party, but Ben and Troy don’t want him to go. The less competition for girls, the better. Gram defends himself well, but in the end he can’t compete against two. Ben then double crosses his friend, Troy, ensuring that he will be the only player at the party! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ277 Just in Time! starring Keanu, Ashton and Dylan. NEW. Ashton is tired of Keanu’s arrogant ways and takes him on solo. For 10 minutes the action goes both ways, but when it looks like Ashton is doomed, Dylan shows up and gives his friend a hand to dish it out to Keanu. This Untamed Creations video is 35 minutes long.


UBV172 Nowhere to Hide, starring Jack, Toby and Luke. Toby persuades Luke to take Jack on alone. It only takes Jack 10 minutes to defeat Luke. Toby wades in and Jack almost takes him down in the same time. But Jack then finds himself up against the two of them. For more than 25 minutes Jack is double teamed by two guys who desperately want to see him suffer! It will be interesting to see what happens next. This awesome video, first released in 2016, has been re-mastered. It is 57 minutes long.


VJ276 Deception, starring Rocco and Arlo. NEW. Last night Jessie was at a party, getting drunk and hanging out, when he saw Arlo playing around with Rocco’s girlfriend. He can’t wait to tell Rocco all about it, and wait to see what happens! He knows how Rocco will react. This Untamed Creations video is 64 minutes long.


VB048 Demolition 43, starring James and Brandon. NEW. Beefy Brandon is working out, keen to build up his already buff body. James arrives on the scene and cannot resist the temptation to give Brandon a different type of workout! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


UBV106 Muscle Tussle, starring Jason and Adam. First released in 2015, this was Jason’s first video. Adam thinks he's the king of muscle at Untamed Boys, so he doesn't like it when new guy Jason joins up with his incredibly ripped physique. The guys go at it bar brawl style, starting in jeans and ending up in combat shorts. This video is 43 minutes long and has been re-mastered.


VJ275 Handgag 24 starring Simon and Ronan. NEW. It appears that Simon has not paid back the money he borrowed from Ronan. Ronan thinks he will get it back with some physical persuasion, but Simon does not give up easily. Repeated Kos with handgags until one is out cold. This Untamed creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ274 Demolition 42, starring Dylan and Sean. NEW. A few weeks ago Sean took a humiliating beating in a submission match with Dylan. He wants another go at the big guy, but we all know what to expect when Sean hits the mats. Total squash! This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


VJ273 Submission 28, starring Ben and newbie Charlie. NEW. Charlie works with Ben and recently got the blame for one of Ben’s mistakes. He nearly lost his job! Jessie persuades them to sort out their problems with a submission match. Ben thinks he will have an easy time against the newbie, but Ben turns out to have skills. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ272 Demolition 41 starring Duke and Grant. NEW. Duke fancies himself as a bit of a boxer. After a little sparring with the camera Grant wanders in a shows him he is not that big a deal! Poor Duke suffers beautifully while Grant has the time of his life! This Untamed Creations video is 31 minutes long.


UBV157 Jack's Wrath, starring Jack, Toby, and Jason. Jack is on the prowl, looking for another victim. He finds Toby playing with a cell phone. Toby just has time to send a request for help to Jason before Jack starts having fun. Jason arrives 15 minutes later, and he and Toby manage to overpower Jack. When Jack gets back in control, it's Jason's turn for some Jack action! This Untamed Creations video, first released in 2016, has been re-mastered. It is 46 minutes long.


VJ271 No Guarantee! starring Gram and Arlo. NEW. Arlo sold some dodgy tech to Gram and Gram wants his money back. It is a pretty even match, but who will win out? This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ270 Big Time! starring Keanu and Peter. NEW. Peter thinks that if he mounts a surprise attack on unsuspecting Keanu, he might be able to beat the big guy. These two are well matched and this is a competitive, fast paced match. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


V133 Ab Attack 5 - Who's the Pussy Now? starring Louis and Ferdi. This best seller is the greatest gutpunching video ever! Big mouth Ferdi won't shut up about his amazing six pack, and Louis decides to put his boasts to the test. No punches are pulled as Louis aims to prove that his abs are stronger than Ferdi's. Ferdi gives as good as he gets though. This Untamed Creations video, first released in 2014, has been re-mastered. It is an hour long.


VJ269 Submission 27, starring Dylan and Sean. NEW. It has been a while since Sean had a match and he is begging Jessie to set something up with one of the new guys. Jessie chooses Dylan and thinks they will be well matched. As it turns out, Sean gets squashed! Who would have guessed? This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VJ268 Just Let Go! starring Dexter and Rocco.  NEW.  Rocco is a little tired when Dexter arrives for their match. Rocco puts up a feisty defence, but Dexter has the advantage from the start. This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ267 Step by Step, starring Keanu and Ashton.  NEW.  Ashton is working when Keanu shows up looking for a match. Since Ashton won’t hang up, Keanu grabs his cellphone and tosses it away. Way to go big guy! Ashton gives Keanu the match he was so eager for. Competitive, fast paced action all the way! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VB047 Ab Attack 33, starring James, Nick and Brandon.  NEW.  Last time these three were at the dojo, it was Brandon receiving the punishment, but this time he teams up with James to dish out some payback on Nick. This Untamed Creations video is 26 minutes long.


VB046 Torque, starring Shane and Russell.  NEW.  Little Russell goes up against our newest team member, Shane, who is a big guy! Shane does his best, but Russell has his sights set on a victory! This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


UBV162 Check This Out! starring Jason and Mark. Jason is showing off his muscles again, and Mark is getting irritated by his friend's arrogance. At first it looks like Jason's muscles might not just be for show, but Mark manages to get some of his own moves in, and the session is close until the end. This Untamed Creations video, first released in 2016, has been re-mastered. It is 49 minutes long.


VJ266 KO22 starring Simon and Grant.  NEW.  Grant requests a KO match against Simon. At first it looks like Simon has the advantage, but as the match progresses Grant begins to play with Simon, and in the end, there is one man standing. This Untamed Creations video is 35 minutes long.


VJ265 Handgag 23, starring Jessie and Sean.  NEW.  Sean has been spreading rumours about Jessie, and Jessie is out to teach Sean a lesson for his disrespect! In a total squash, Sean is knocked out repeatedly with handgags. This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


VJ264 Ab Attack 32 – I’ve Got the Best Abs! starring Keanu, Ashton and Peter.  NEW.  Keanu is boasting about his superior physical attributes, so the three friends decide to have a contest. They take it in turns to work on each other’s six packs, but they cannot reach an amicable agreement! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


V218 Handgag 7, starring Evan and JP. In their last match, JP owned Evan, so Evan is hoping to even things up. JP isn't going to give Evan a break. Evan suffers in handgag after handgag, as JP amuses himself at the little guy's expense. Poor Evan hardly manages to get in any of his own moves as he receives a thorough squashing from JP. This Untamed Creations video, first released in 2016, has been re-mastered.  It is 26 minutes long.


VB045 Ricochet, starring Brandon and Dallas.  NEW.  This is not turning out to be a good weekend for Dallas. He just lost a match against little Cole, and now he is up against b Brandon. It turns out to be a fairly even match, but the most tatts wins! This Untamed Creations video is 34 minutes long.


VB044 What Was That! starring Dallas and Cole.  NEW.  Cole is not afraid to take on larger opponents, which is a good job because he is the smallest. Dallas gives as good as he gets, but in the end, the little guy wins. This Untamed Creations video is 32 minutes long.


VJ263 I’m In Man! starring Keanu, Duke and Ashton.  NEW.  Ashton helped Keanu double team Duke a while back, but when Ashton ended up grounded, Keanu dissed him. Now Ashton goes to Duke with a plan to get revenge on the big guy. Keanu gets some top time, but ultimately he is doomed! This Untamed Creations video is 33 minutes long.


V044 He Sold My Phone! starring Nico and Peet. Peet left his phone at Nico's house, but when he calls by to pick it up, he finds that Nico has sold it. This video, first released in 2012, has been re-mastered. It is 35 minutes long.
